harassment|harassments in English


['har·ass·ment || hə'ræsmənt /'hærə-]

bothering, tormenting, pestering

Use "harassment|harassments" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harassment|harassments" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harassment|harassments", or refer to the context using the word "harassment|harassments" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antonyms for Cajoleries include bullyings, maltreatments, oppressions, harassments, victimizations, mistreatments, intimidations and houndings

2. Harassment, Bullying, and Threats

3. Report harassment or bullying.

4. Synonyms for Annoyances include irritations, exasperations, angers, vexations, bothers, displeasures, griefs, aggravations, harassments and indignations

5. Charges Alleging Sexual Harassment FY 2010 - FY 2020 This table shows charge data for sexual harassment allegations, i.e., harassment of a sexual nature (harassment allegations are only included if they are also alleged in a charge)

6. She suffered continual police harassment.

7. Is it harassment or Crassitude?

8. Absurdisms Satire #MeToo sexual harassment

9. Studies document canine harassment of plovers.

10. It’s an open invitation to harassment.

11. Several women have complained of sexual harassment.

12. Prisoners' families face continual harassment and attack.

13. Sexual harassment always includes physical contact.

14. Share Swear Bleepers: Related Boards: Ventrilo Harassment

15. Blogger does not allow harassment or bullying.

16. Passive harassment became more and more active.

17. Beatings and Harassment of Activists and Dissidents

18. The harassment charge was reduced from extortion, a felony, to the misdemeanor of harassment in exchange for the plea.

19. Vicarious liability applies to discrimination, harassment, and accidents.

20. At what point does it become sexual harassment?

21. C., have made no allegations of harassment.

22. Claims of harassment have been strongly denied.

23. Cyberbullying is bullying or harassment that happens online

24. Cuomo Avoids public amid outcry over harassment allegations

25. The party has accused the police of harassment.